Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Team
DeKalb/Rockdale GNETS is a part of a state-wide service that provides comprehensive education and therapeutic support for students with disabilities. DeKalb/Rockdale GNETS uses a diverse team of educators, clinicians, and school leaders to work together to support students in understanding t
heir feelings, behaviors, and to reach their academic potential. Students are engaged in activities and lessons that teach and practice social skills, respect for others, positive behaviors, and emotional awareness.
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a research-based and data driven program of behavioral, emotional, and social supports based on the philosophy of preventative planning by staff, a focus on student success, and creating a nurturing and safe atmosphere for student learning and growth. PBIS creates a team to identify, address, and resolve problem behaviors and provide support to students in need.
PBIS has 5 main parts:
- Clearly defined and explained positive behavior expectations (matrix)
- Behavioral expectations taught to all students and staff throughout the year.
- Acknowledging and promoting positive behaviors of students.
- Proactive and supportive correction of negative behaviors.
- A database of diverse information used to guide decision making for student supports, school-wide activities, and other activities.
Who can be on the team?
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Support personnel such as Media Specialist, Clinicians, Custodians, Bus drivers, etc.
- Special Education personnel such as Paraprofessionals, interpreters, Speech Pathologist, etc.
- Agency workers, mentors, counselors, etc.
What Can I do to help?
Parents are an integral part of the PBIS program. Parents can assist in providing the most current information on their students to the school, helping reinforce positive behavior expectations as home and school. You can also help by donating new or gently used items for our school store.